Pregnancy & Postpartum Summit

If you missed the Mommy Me Time Summit with teaching from 26 Speakers sharing about Health & Self-Care during the pregnancy/postpartum phase, get the Recordings Now 👇


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Meet the Speakers

Haley Miskowiec

"Fueling Your Pregnancy & Postpartum: The Top 3 Nutrients I See Commonly Missed"

Bailey Gaddis

"Asking for a Friend: Questions Moms Want to Ask During Pregnancy But Don't"

Tianna Trinidad

"Menstrual Cycle: Pre-Pregnancy, During Pregnancy, Postpartum, and Beyond!"

Dr. Amanda Olson

"Empowering You to Understand Your Pelvic Floor"

Becca Boeving

"Secrets to Releasing Pregnancy Pain"

Bettina Gross

"The Microbiome Bond: Cultivating Health for Mother and Baby Through Microbiome Care"

Melissa Tomczak

"Low-Tox Families: Understanding Swaps to Make Without Fearing Everything"

Dr. Renee White

"Balancing Act: Self-Care Strategies for Busy Mothers"

Dr. Nicole Rankins

"What You Need to Know to Have an Empowered Birth Experience From an Experienced OB/GYN"

Kristin Revere

"Assembling Your Postnatal Dream Team"

Erika Rousseau

"The Impact of Exercise on Your Physical & Mental Well-Being"

Kate Boyle

"Fitness through Pregnancy and Post-Partum"

Jennifer Lathrop

"Fit for Two: Navigating Fitness Fearlessly During Pregnancy"

Sarah Parise

"Short on Time? Yoga and Movement for Busy Moms"

Maddie Gentile

"How to Use Manual Therapy to Manage Pain Postpartum"

Dr. Gabriella Pasos

"The Fourth Trimester: Optimizing Postpartum Healing and Pelvic Floor Health"

Bethany Lovern

"Successfully Going Back to Work While Breastfeeding"

Becky Choi

"How To Start Exercise After Baby & Manage Diastasis Recti"

Christine Brown

"The Top Questions That Are Asked of a Sleep/Parenting Coach"

Heather Cassells

"Navigating Food + Fitness in all Four Trimesters "

Debbie Saroufim

"Mom-Bod Revolution: Generational Body Trauma Stops with YOU"

Amelia Mora Mars

"Healing from Mother Wounds While Raising Your Child"

Stephanie Reed

" Motherhood: How Do You Know if What You are Feeling is Okay or Not?"

Dallas Woodburn

"Documenting Your Pregnancy, Postpartum and Beyond Journey"

Angelina Mitschke

"Why You Should Get Maternity Portraits Taken"

Brianna K. Wilkerson

HOST & Presenting

"The Top Health & Self-Care Habits to Establish Before and After You Become a Mom "

DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this summit is for general educational purposes, has not been reviewed nor approved by the FDA or other governing health bodies, and is not intended to take the place of advice from your medical professional, licensed dietitian, nutritionist, or your health care providers.

@2024 Brianna Wilkerson - All rights reserved.